This Williams machine fabricated in 1955 is a strange game that really is more of a toy. A player gets to operate a remote-controlled bulldozer around a big sandbox for 120 seconds using two remote controllers in synthetic gravel. It appears the idea for this machine was to cater to the under-12 market as no rewards, extra time, or extra plays were programmed into the electromechanical boards within the machine. No scoring and no prizes! This machine was often confused with Williams’ Crane (1956) because it has a sign on top of the game that says, “Be a sidewalk engineer.” Ten cents allowed adults a two-minute break to get a quick snack while a child was entertained. I don’t think this would be the case in today’s thinking…This macabre machine was also one of the most risque games ever made. The vocals are very suggestive as well as the theme of the game. The factory installed a family mode version to the game as well as a cover to the large breasts presented by Elvira on the back glass. Designed by Dennis Nordman and Mark Weyna, the art package came out of the mind of Greg Freres. The object of the game is to complete the six modes represented on the bottom of the playfield. Once all six modes are complete, the object then is to shoot the jackpots with two balls in play all the way up the stiff-o-meter. Doing so produces a pinball fireworks show of light as well as the flippers activating by themselves. The hardest feature on the game is represented in the back glass. If you can achieve all lights by stopping the spider on each and every stop displayed, a special spider multiball is activated. Happy Halloween!Safecracker is a pinball machine with a safecracking theme, designed by Pat Lawlor, and distributed by Midway (under the Bally label). It was created in 1996. About 1148 were manufactured. Safecracker differs from a standard pinball game in that the player is playing against the clock as opposed to having a certain number of balls available. If the player loses a ball, as long as there is time left on the clock they can continue playing. The machine is smaller in size than a standard pinball machine. The main objective of the game is to break into the bank’s safe. The game can be broken into 3 areas of play: The pinball playfield has numerous targets, the completion of which will allow entry into the bank via the rooftop, the cellar, or the front door. Once the player has entered the bank, the game changes to a boardgame that takes place on the backglass. Using the flipper buttons to make choices, the player rolls dice and moves their piece around the board while being chased by the security guard. The object of this portion of the game is to advance to the center of the game board (where the safe is located) before being caught by the guard. If the player is successful, the game will eject a “magic token” from the bank vault for the player to catch as it rolls down the playfield glass. After the player is done with the regular game, they can deposit their “magic token” into the token slot of the machine to activate a special game mode called “Assault on the Vault”. In this frenzied 4-ball multiball mode, players have 90 seconds to hit as many drop target and ramp shots as possible to break into the bank vault.Claude Fernandez designed this machine at Bally with the infamous Greg Freres penning the artwork early in his career. 4,150 examples of this game were screwed together. This machine’s asymmetrical playfield is classic Bally. Lane change at the top of the playfield via flipping is a first on this machine. By dropping the targets to spell “skate”, one advances the kickout hole to advance. After three or four advances, extra ball and special light. Hitting “skate” and A and B at the bottom of the playfield light extra ball. The center drop targets advance the value of the targets when all lit, all the way to 100,000 points. If you are skillful enough to advance the bonus to its highest point, the specials light up. This Bally game is also the first machine to have seven-digit scoring!This game is the pinball rendition of the HBO TV show, The Sopranos, complete with voices of most of the actors in the series. It was designed by George Gomez with the art package created by Kevin O’Conner. The main object of the machine is to advance through the ranks of the mob by advancing your status through playfield rollovers and cracking the safe. Doing so is difficult to achieve to top capo. A multiball feature is also incorporated into the game behind a solo drop target. Video modes must be achieved to complete the placard of events culminating in the completion of your missions. So many pop bumper hits light up the party at the bing in the upper right, which scores a bunch of points. Mastering this machine is tough, but that’s what brings you back to try again.Space Mission was released in January, designed by Steve Kordek with artwork by Christian Marche. Production run was 11,652. This game was very successful for Williams and is considered to be the seventh most desirable game of the ’70s era.The game features a moving target as well as two side kickers next to the flippers for shots at the moving target. Making the A, B, or C light up the side eject holes to award a double bonus for the ball in play. If you were skillful enough to complete the A, B and C, the side outlanes light up for special. The top horshoe loop advances the bonus system. This game has a lot of nice shots and is fast paced. One doesn’t tire easily trying to achieve the scores needed to win a free game. This game was one of Steve’s Kordek’s favorite designs.Here’s a 1977 Stern ‘Pinball’. This was Stern’s first solid state machine and marked the beginning of a long and interesting history for the company. Designed by Mike Kubin, it’s a fast game that has some wicked out-lanes and very quick ball times. There are no mini-posts above the out-lane guides which make controlling the ball near the out-lanes very difficult. Stingray, the game made by Stern following ‘Pinball’ also lacked these posts, but games made thereafter had the posts which dramatically improve the player’s ability to control the ball and avoid the out-lane. This game has a basic rule-set. Knock down the 5 drop targets twice in one ball to score the special. The saucer on the right side of the playfield awards a somewhat random award and the spinner shot on the left is a very satisfying shot to hit.This pinball had a run of 1750 units. Designed by Ed Krynski with artwork by Art Stenholm, this 2 player four flipper game has no specials. The object of the game is to score a lot of points by advancing the yellow and red multipliers up to 100x where up to 500 points could be hit. Hitting the 100x level resets the hit column back to 1x. Extra balls are awarded if the roto spin target is hit when the star is in position. The use of the four flippers in the game makes one feels that the machine has two playfields in one. The new design pop bumpers, and auto ball lift are in early use here as well as the ball count meter. A challenging game that’s hard to beat!!!This machine is based on the ’30s radio series then turned into a movie. Design accolades go to Brian Eddy with art scripted by Doug Watson. 4,247 of these machines were made. The interesting feature in this machine is the elevated upper-left playfield. This playfield is gained access to once the drop target is hit. Once this challenge is complete, another shot to this ramp shoots the ball upstairs to this feature. Pressing the flipper buttons moves the paddle left or right. The kicker is activated by an optic sensor automatically to hit all the targets if your aim is sure. This game also has a thrust magnet which grabs the ball in action and shoots it up the playfield into the next feature. No pop bumpers are on the playfield, which is a rare event. Another first incorporated into this playfield are two ramp diverters which are player adjustable. Completing the six scenes of the story award you with the final battle sequence of good against evil.The table is the first Williams WPC machine designed to feature a dot-matrix display. But due to the long design phase, Gilligan’s Island was the first manufactured with a DMD. Terminator 2: Judgment Day was the first game to feature an autoplunger (replacing the traditional plunger), as well as a ball-firing cannon (dubbed, “Gun Grip Ball Launcher”). Finally, T2 was the first game to feature a video mode, a mini video game featured on the DMD. Arnold Schwarzenegger provided voices for the game. Some playfield design elements were based on Ritchie’s 1980 classic, Firepower. T-1000 was not included in the artwork of the table, with the exception of a small image of actor Robert Patrick because of pre-release secrecy of the movie. The character was only included in the display animation because when the DMD programming was finalizing the liquid metal character was already public knowledge.
- Release date: July 1991
- System: Williams WPC (Dot Matrix)
- Design: Steve Ritchie
- Programming: Dwight Sullivan
- Artwork: Doug Watson
- Mechanics: Carl Biagi
- Music: Chris Granner
- Sound: Chris Granner
- Production run: 15,202
This machine was produced in january and 7300 copies of it were bolted together. Pat lawlor designed the game with john youssi penning the artwork. The earliest machines in the production run had the chicago cubs logo on the child’s baseball cap but the cubs disallowed its use so the logo was changed. The early examples had a williams logo sticker over the cubs logo. The object of the game is to advance the compass to the north, south , east and west positions. Doing so starts ball lock ..And the “power of the wind” through the use of a dedicated fan on top of the machine to recreate a new physical dimension to your gameplay. Once three balls are locked, the left ramp awards increasing million awards. By earning enough tolls, extra balls may be had. The super cellar value changes via the spinner. Dropping into the cellar awards its value. Another “twist“ in the game’s design is the spinning discs. Tornado action.White Water is a 1993 pinball game designed by Dennis Nordman and released by Williams. The theme is based on White water rafting, which is reflected in the game’s ‘wild’ ramps and very fast gameplay. Overview White Water is a non-licensed pinball machine with a primary objective of moving your raft down the river to “Wet Willy’s” in order to get the “Vacation Jackpot.” You move your raft down the river by shooting the flashing “Hazard” shots, each with a unique rafting theme name. Each time you complete a raft, the number of “Hazard” shots you must hit successfully to complete the next raft increases. It takes eight completed rafts to advance to “Wet Willy’s.” Successfully completing “Wet Willy’s” enables the player to attempt the collection of the “Vacation Jackpot.” There are subsequent objectives in the game, which include: Multiball: To start multiball, light the lock ball shot by hitting the “Lite” and “Lock” targets and then successfully shooting the ball in the ball lock, also called the “No Way Out” Hazard; doing this 3 times will start multiball. Whirlpool: Completing the “Whirlpool” shot will activate one of six awards or modes, which is determined by what is lit when the “Whirlpool” shot is hit. To light the “Whirlpool”, thus making the shot active, successfully hit the “Insanity Falls” shot. After hitting the “Insanity Falls” shot, you will know the “Whirlpool” is active when the red light above the shot is lit. One of the six awards or modes starts when the Whirlpool shot, also called “Bigfoot Bluff”, is successfully competed. Big Foot Hotfoot: There are two “Hotfoot” targets in the middle of the playfield. Hitting both targets comprises a complete “Hotfoot”, and the “Hotfoot” targets are reset. Depending on the machine settings, successfully completing the specified number of “Hotfoot” targets starts the “Bigfoot Hotfoot” mode which allows the player to get successive “Bigfoot Jackpots.” Lost Mine: Hitting the ball in the “Lost Mine” shot awards an item needed to start the “Gold Rush” multiball. There are three items that must be collected to start this multiball, a flashlight, a map, and a key; and these items can be collected through either the “Lost Mine” or the “Bigfoot Hotfoot.” Once all three items have been collected, successfully hitting the “Lost Mine” shot starts the “Gold Rush” multiball.
This Williams machine fabricated in 1955 is a strange game that really is more of a toy. A player gets to operate a remote-controlled bulldozer around a big sandbox for 120 seconds using two remote controllers in synthetic gravel. It appears the idea for this machine was to cater to the under-12 market as no rewards, extra time, or extra plays were programmed into the electromechanical boards within the machine. No scoring and no prizes! This machine was often confused with Williams’ Crane (1956) because it has a sign on top of the game that says, “Be a sidewalk engineer.” Ten cents allowed adults a two-minute break to get a quick snack while a child was entertained. I don’t think this would be the case in today’s thinking…