This electromechanical two-player game was designed by Steve Kordek. The game reminds one of an older game, as an animated golfer is on board that you aim to hopefully sink a ball in the appropriate hole. The nine scattered holes are tough to sink, especially the back ones. The lower your score in strokes, the better with this game (no handicap is given). Free games may be awarded set by the operator for low-stroke counts after completing so many holes. A neat and rare game.This classic game is currently rated as the number two game of its generation. 4,650 units were produced in April of the year with design credits going to Roy Parker for artwork and Wayne Neyens for design. The game was produced to coincide with the New York World’s Fair of 1964-1965. The 11 ferris wheel cars depicted on the backglass are represented on the play field by roll overs and targets. Hitting a numbered car lights the corresponding backglass car. The interesting gadget developed for this game is the center spinning disc (i.e. ferris wheel) in the middle of the game. By spinning the disc, one randomly spots a ferris wheel car on the backglass. Completing all the cars awards a replay and the randomly advancing lighting of a rollover which, if you’re skilled enough, would award a replay if hit. Score is another way to conquer the machine. Enjoy trying your hand at this classic machine.The last game of ’65 is a two-player add-a-ball game. It was designed by Ed Krynski with art by Roy Parker. A replay model also exists by the name of Paradise. Production run was a meager 265 units; the replay game had 2,100 units fabricated. The animated backglass on this game contains a dancing hula girl. When extra balls are won, they are represented as beach balls on the backglass. If you complete the sequence A, B, C, and D in that order, a free ball is your reward. Roto lights advance and indicate the value of the kickout holes. Points set by the operator award free balls also. An interesting guide rail is on either side of the flipper drains, a variation on a theme. This game is very rare due to its low production numbers.Gottlieb Subway arrived in October ’66. It was designed by the classic team of Ed Krynski and art by Gordon Morison. This add-a-ball version of the game closely resembled the replay version by the name of Crosstown. This wedgehead Gottlieb has an animated backglass. Every time 100 points are scored, the door of the subway opens, revealing passengers jammed together in a comical pose. The center target is where all the action is in the game. If you happened to match the two columns horizontally by advancing the columns by hitting various spots on the game and hit the center target, the award indicated would be given. Otherwise 10 points were awarded. This game was a tough game to play, as the opening between the flippers was rather large and a hit to the center target would regularly cost you a lost ball.This game by Gottlieb is a very challenging design. It was invented by Ed Krynski and artwork was drawn by Gordon Morrison. This game has 10 drop targets lined up the left side of the playfield. If one target is hit, one scores 500 points. If, however, you’re skillful enough to hit a blue and white target at the same time, 5,000 points are awarded. Completing the sequence 1-9 lights the special at the bottom left rollover as well as lights the drop targets to score a special if all the targets are dropped. The player had to be wary when trying to freeze the ball on the right flipper, as one could lose the ball up the right guide rail (which has an opening in it the size of a ball). This playfield design was used a few times by Gottlieb, as it was a successful design (games like Gottlieb 300, for example, a bowling themed game). Scoring games by core were another option.This is it. The ultimate collectible game of the ‘70s according to the literature. Bally put together Ted Zale and Dave “Mad Dog” Christianson to design the game. Production run was 3,815 units. Many firsts here. The whirlwind spinning disk was a first to throw off the ball once rolled upon. A messenger ball (captive ball) was a variation on a theme. The art package is truly amazing. A lower-left kick-back kicker, when activated, returns your ball to play. A free ball gate returns your ball to the plunger. “Zipperflippers”, a first, closes the gap between the flippers, when activated, preventing the loss of the ball thru the center drain until turned off. Once you lock two balls in the “odin” and “wotan” kickout holes, then hit “release messenger balls”, three balls are in play. No jackpot in multiball in this game was developed. You just had a period of high scoring and pinball chaos to contend with until you lost the first two balls in play.Gottlieb Pop-A-Card was another classic ‘70s playfield designed by Ed Krynski with artwork by Gordon Morison. Only 825 of these units were made. The replay version of the game was called Drop–A-Card which, as usual, was a much higher produced machine. The open playfield of this game gives ample room for scoring the three banks of drop targets. To win free balls with this game, you have to either complete the 2, 3, 4, and 5 targets, or the 6, 7, 8, and 9 targets…or the 10, J, Q, K, and Ace targets. The first two options light the wow feature to award free balls during that ball in play. If you hit the 10 thru Ace targets to completion, four rollovers light up to score extra balls. Of course, score is another way to score more balls.Pro Pool originated in December with 800 units being fabricated. This add-a-ball machine was designed by Ed Krynski with artwork by Gordon Morison. Two replay versions of the game were also made: a two-player version called Big Shot and a four-player version called Hot Shot. Obviously the theme of this game is the game of pool. The playfield is symmetrical and the way to win extra balls is by completing the left and/or right drop target battery. Doing so will lift the left and/or right wow rollovers for this award. The drop targets reset once the sequences are completed. Of course, an operator-adjusted score is another way to score a couple of balls. Back in the ‘70s, multiple balls or replays could be achieved on the game. Today, one free game on a current solid-state game is the common win. Operators have made it harder to achieve free games today as free games yield no income and only result in down time for the machine to earn coins in the till.Gottlieb produced a few baseball-themed games, but Williams Manufacturing was the king of these types of games. This game, designed by Ed Krynski with art by Gordon Morison, had a run of 775 units. This is the add-a-ball version of this game, so it is rarer. The replay version is called Grand Slam. This game has eject holes which activate the roto-target, a Gottlieb exclusive device, which stops and a man is lit on a corresponding base to the eject hole on the baseball diamond. The rollover button lights when the bases are loaded. This scores 1,000 points whenever the bases are loaded. Runs and score are the ways to win free balls with this game.The game before you is extremely rare with only 278 screwed together at the Chicago Gottlieb factory. This one-player electromechanical add-a-ball game was designed by John Osbourne with art by Gordon Morison. A replay version was also designed by the name of Blue Note. The object of this machine is to complete all the notes down the left side of the playfield. Doing so activates the classic “wow” feature which, when hit, awards one free ball. A reset is in your future once your current ball drains. Score is another way to achieve longer play by winning extra balls. The spinner in the middle of the playfield awards big points when 1,000 points is lit; each spin of the target awards 1,000 points plus number of revolutions spun. A nice retro art package completes this rare machine.This solid-state game was very popular when it was released and has a lot of smooth shots to complete. It was designed by Jim Patla with artwork by Paul Faris. Production run was 18,250 units. This pre-speaking pinball has Hugh Hefner on its backglass with Bunny Sondra Theodore posing. At the top of the game are four rollover lanes, which advance when hit to a special and advance the bonuses and grotto award. Hitting the five Bunny targets also advance a feature to win extra balls and specials. A unique kickback lane advances with every entrance into it. A five-pack of drop targets also advance certain features on the game. If 20,000 points are made on the bonus system, this point count is carried over to all remaining balls and then some. The nicest shot on the game is going up the right side from the flipper and looping the ball into the grotto. The sound originates from the old TV show “Playboy After Dark.”This replay game came out in December of the year with a four-player replay version (Vulcan) being released two months prior. 970 units were produced. Ed Krynski designed the game with Gordon Morison taking the credit for artwork. Two sets of drop targets in the firing range of the flippers make for a lot of accurate target shooting. Lighting all four green drop targets lights the extra ball target. The bonus value is doubled by hitting the bank of five drop targets. Making one to five numbered sequence lights two rollovers for a special as well as increases the white drop target value to three bonus advances. The kickout hole awards from 1,000 to 5,000 points dependent on the number of green drop targets hit at that moment in time. All in all, a nicely balanced game. Bonus is awarded upon draining the ball also.
This electromechanical two-player game was designed by Steve Kordek. The game reminds one of an older game, as an animated golfer is on board that you aim to hopefully sink a ball in the appropriate hole. The nine scattered holes are tough to sink, especially the back ones. The lower your score in strokes, the better with this game (no handicap is given). Free games may be awarded set by the operator for low-stroke counts after completing so many holes. A neat and rare game.