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  • Sinistar
  • This game by Gottlieb is a very challenging design. It was invented by Ed Krynski and artwork was drawn by Gordon Morrison. This game has 10 drop targets lined up the left side of the playfield. If one target is hit, one scores 500 points. If, however, you’re skillful enough to hit a blue and white target at the same time, 5,000 points are awarded. Completing the sequence 1-9 lights the special at the bottom left rollover as well as lights the drop targets to score a special if all the targets are dropped. The player had to be wary when trying to freeze the ball on the right flipper, as one could lose the ball up the right guide rail (which has an opening in it the size of a ball). This playfield design was used a few times by Gottlieb, as it was a successful design (games like Gottlieb 300, for example, a bowling themed game). Scoring games by core were another option.
  • This game is a classic and is rated # 5 in collectible machines of the ‘60s. The game was created by Wayne Neyens with artwork by Roy Parker. Production run was 2,875 units. The main action in the game comes from the four in-line kickout holes set across the center playfield. The object of the machine is to hit a suit of four cards vertically under the kickout holes. If you get all four, a hole will randomly light up to score a free game (i.e., a special). The challenge here is to sink the ball in the kickout holes once a special is lit. All four holes can light up if you’re lucky enough to score all 16 cards. Finally, another special in the top rollover lanes randomly lights if you score just the four top cards on the pattern of cards. Score also was a factor as dropping balls in the kickout holes with many cards lit scored a lot of points very quickly.
  • In this, the first proper sequel to Namco’s legendary pill-eating maze game, players must once again run around a number of mazes, eating all of the pills that are scattered throughout. The ever-present ghosts (Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Sue) return to hamper the player’s progress. The infamous “power pills” are also present and correct, with four appearing in each maze. Namco introduced a number of changes and enhancements over the original game. The first difference is in the main character. For the first time in video-game history, the game’s lead character was female. Ms. Pac-man is almost identical to the original character with two main differences: she wears a bow in her “hair” and is also wearing lipstick. Another change from the original is that the bonus fruit items are no longer static but now move randomly around the mazes. Ms. Pac-man features four different maze layouts, which alternate every two to four screens: the first maze is only encountered in rounds 1 and 2 and has 220 dots and four power pills. There are two sets of tunnels in this maze equidistant from the center of the maze. You must clear this maze twice before moving on to the next maze. The second maze is only encountered in rounds 3, 4, and 5, and has 240 dots and four power pills. There are two sets of tunnels in this maze: one set in the lower half, and the other set at the very top. You must clear this maze three times before moving on to the next maze. The third maze is first encountered in round 6 and has 238 dots and four power pills. Unlike all other mazes, there is only one set of tunnels in this maze, slightly above the center of the board. You must clear this maze four times before moving on to the next maze. The fourth and final unique maze is first encountered in round 10 and has 234 dots and four power pills. There are two sets of tunnels in this maze, directly next to one another in the middle of the maze. The turns at the entrance to the tunnels change the usual immediate accessibility of the tunnels and should be taken into account. You must clear this maze four times before moving on to the next maze.
  • This contemporary machine was designed by Keith Johnson and Joe Balcer. The art package was created by Matt Groening’s cartoon team and the voices inherent in the game are from the actors who play the characters on the show. This well-designed game is basically an extension of The Simpsons TV show with all characters accounted for. Opening the garage door allows you to try and lock three balls in the couch to start couch multiball and score a jackpot or super jackpot. The three drop targets on the bottom right must be hit, the ball dropped into the hole behind them…and then repeated once more to start the Itchy and Scratchy multiball. If you’re skillful enough to complete all the modes to the basic game, the spoiler modes kick in. One of these modes reverses the flipper buttons’ function. A very complicated game enhanced by Homer following the ball around the playfield; this game is busy.
  • Galaxian (Gyarakushian?) is an arcade game that was developed by Namco and released in October 1979. It was published by Namco in Japan and imported to North America by Midway that December. A fixed shooter game in which the player controls a spaceship at the bottom of the screen, and shoots enemies descending in various directions, it was designed to compete with Taito Corporation’s successful earlier game Space Invaders (which was released in the previous year, and also imported to the US by Midway Games). The game was highly popular for Namco upon its release, and has been a focus of competitive gaming ever since. It spawned a successful sequel, Galaga, in 1981, and the lesser known Gaplus and Galaga ‘88 in 1984 and 1987 respectively, as well as many later ports and adaptations. Along with its immediate sequel, it was one of the most popular games during the golden age of arcade video games. Galaxian expanded on the formula pioneered by Space Invaders. As in the earlier game, Galaxian features a horde of attacking aliens that exchanged shots with the player. In contrast to Space Invaders, Galaxian added an element of drama by having the aliens periodically make kamikaze-like dives at the player’s ship, the Galaxip.[1] This made it the first game to feature enemies with individual personalities.[2] The game’s plot consists of a title screen that displayed the message “WE ARE THE GALAXIANS / MISSION: DESTROY ALIENS”.[3] Galaxian was very successful for Namco and introduced several “firsts”. Although not the first color video game, Galaxian took RGB color graphics a step further with multi-colored animated sprites and explosions, different colored fonts for the score and high score, the scrolling starfield, and graphic icons that show the number of lives left and how many stages the player had completed. It also features a crude theme song and more prominent background “music.” These elements combine to create a look and feel that would set the standard for arcade games in the 1980s such as Pac-Man. Gameplay The gameplay is relatively simple. Swarm after swarm of alien armies attack the player’s ship that moves left and right at the bottom of the wraparound screen. The ship can only have one shot on screen at a time. The player defeats one swarm, only to have it replaced by another more aggressive and challenging swarm in the next stage. A plain and repetitive starfield scrolls in the background.
  • Here is one you do not see every day. This is a Gottlieb Challenger from 1971. Only 110 of these were produced back in the day. How many are still around now … head-to-head pinball game with two players at opposite ends of the playfield, simultaneous soccer like play, can not be played with one player. Each player has flipper buttons which control only those flippers facing the opponent. Ball enters play from between the flippers. Game has 8 flippers and vertically mounted score reels. The playfield actually tilts towards and away from the players, depending on which end served the ball.
  • This April release was produced in a quantity of 4,550 units. Wayne Neyens designed the machine with Roy Parker doing the artwork. The art theme of the machine is Playboy bunnies as the Playboy Corporation opened a big Playboy club in the Chicago area in 1960 which was a real hit. The object of the game is to light the bumpers spelling out “Slick Chick.” It’s a tough game to master. Each time the sequence is completed, a rollover lights on the play field to score 10 points. If you can complete all five roll-overs, the center gobble hole lights to score a replay. Four roll-overs on the side of the play field numbered one to four also score a replay if hit in sequence. Score is your other goal toward replays. I remember playing this game at the arcades and it was very hard to achieve a winning combination. It is considered one of Wayne Neyens’ best games and one of his favorites in the annals of pinball design.